Deploy React Applications in a Servlet Environment
Some tips and tricks to deploy React applications in a Servlet Environment
Hi, my name is Dimitri De Franciscis
I'm a freelance Full Stack Developer, Digital Creative, Lifelong Learner.
Articles you don't want to miss
Some tips and tricks to deploy React applications in a Servlet Environment
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Cookies? No thanks! Some years ago I decided to completely turn off cookies on my website. I don't use them for tracking, analytics, or any other purpose. The reasons are obvious: more privacy for my visitors, less complexity in my code, and less maintenance for me. But also less bureaucracy …
It's been a while —a few years, in fact, with just a small exception— since I last shared my thoughts here. I won't go into details, but life has given me a few very good reasons to be distracted from my public writing, experimenting, and sharing. At some point I …
Some years ago I started to learn Processing, a Java-like environment for creative coding. Later on, I discovered p5.js, a JavaScript library that started - I guess - as a porting of Processing to JavaScript, but now it's an indipendent project on its own. I have been using it to create …
In the first part of this series I showed you how to export data from from Nirvana, process it, then import as "raw" CSV files into Zenkit. In this second part we will see how to use advanced Zenkit features such as field conversion and views.
I am quite a fan of GTD - Getting Things Done® methodology, and productivity tools in general. Over the last few years I've tried different workflows, applications, even Bullet Journal to stay organized and do things. In this article I will show you how to move your tasks and projects from Nirvana to Zenkit.